







在本期“科研的力量”栏目,一组10至11年级对文学感兴趣的德胜学子与牛津大学英美文学教授Matthew Bevis进行对话,一同探讨文学素养的养成,就文学发展趋势、文学与生活等一系列问题展开交流;同时,Bevis教授还为学生们讲解了社会与文学的关系等问题。



Matthew Bevis


本次受访的教授是牛津大学英美文学专业教授Matthew Bevis。Bevis教授的主要研究方向为诗歌,及浪漫主义时期和维多利亚时期的文学。























Q: 您如何确认自己对英国文学的兴趣并决定研究它?





Q: 您认为学习英美文学的人应该具备哪些特点?



Q: 大学阶段的学生阅读文学作品的方式有什么不同,或者学生在大学阶段是如何学习文学的?




Q: 音乐剧和电影等非文学文本可以归类为文学吗?

A:几年前,歌手鲍勃·迪伦(Bob Dylan)获得了诺贝尔文学奖,引起了很大的争议。鲍勃·迪伦(Bob Dylan)是一位了不起的歌手、是一位了不起的歌词作者,但他是诗人吗?他能获得诺贝尔奖吗?我们可以把它归类为文学吗?我认为这可能是一个复杂的问题。但我认为他可以获得文学奖,这首歌和歌词是密不可分的,二者需兼顾。我认为,任何涉及文字艺术的东西都有文学成分。所以,在我看来,从很重要的层面而言,音乐剧和电影是文学作品。


Q: 旧形式的英语如何影响我们今天的交流和写作方式,我们的现代英语如何影响我们未来的交流方式?



Q: 很多英语单词被忘记了,或者即便没有被忘记也不会被使用了。我想知道为什么人类会喜欢追踪文字的发展?



Q: 我认为戏剧是一种交流形式,通过表演他们想要传递的东西和他们想要呈现的东西。所以,我想知道它可以被视为一种交流方式吗?


Q: 众所周知,在历史上,很多种文学的产生是因为文化差异或当时社会的特殊情况。请问,特定文化是否有可能以某种方式影响文学?


Q: 古代文学如何推动现代文学的发展,现代文学的演变和进步又是如何体现其意义和影响的?



Q: 您如何评价网络时代美国文学的特点?





Q: 我们如何在日常生活中使用英美文学?




Q: 您如何看待小说和电影的粉丝创作等二次创作?


Q: 阅读是一种再创造,就像自己给自己创造某种形象。您认为是理解阅读本身的含义或者理解作者想要创造的画面更重要吗?



Q: 您认为电影比书更容易理解、更加有趣吗?因为现在似乎更多的人喜欢看电影而不是看书本身。例如,当我阅读《傲慢与偏见》这本书时,我完全不明白这本书想要表达什么。但在我看了一部关于这方面的电影后,我似乎对这本书了解得更清楚了。



Q: 社会经济发展如何推动儿童文学的发展?是什么让人们更加关注和尊重孩子?



Q: 您认为儿童文学应该如何平衡教育文学和想象文学的主题?



Q: 您认为儿童文学在哪些方面可以避免基于偏见和刻板印象塑造儿童角色?


Q: 您认为让孩子接触更复杂、更有争议的成人文学作品是否合适?



Q: 您认为哈利波特如此出名、如此受欢迎的原因是什么?



此次访谈中,Matthew Bevis教授就学生感兴趣的话题与学生进行了激烈的探讨,并针对学生提出的问题进行了解答。Bevis教授不仅帮助学生点明了提高文学兴趣的方法以及深化文学素养的方向,还结合当下的数字化的发展与互联网时代的情况,通过学生日常生活中可以接触到的例子,深入浅出地分析了文学领域所包含的新类型文学形式以及文学未来的多样化发展趋势。我们相信,在未来,会有越来越多的优秀学生深入探究文学世界,为文学领域的深入发展和前沿发展作出实质性的贡献。

Interview Content

Q:How did you confirm your interest in English literature and why did you decide to study it?

A:I guess I first started my interest in literature, which happened as it does for probably most people, which is I was a child, and I wanted to escape. So, I wanted to just imagine different worlds. It was for pleasure. I didn’t really think about why I was doing it. I just knew that I liked reading. Reading was a quiet time. It’s a way to be away from people, to hide. So, in a way, reading might have been seen just as a kind of evasion or an escape. And then as I got older, the stories I read started to inform me about my life. So, it went the other way. I started to read, and things that would happen in books reminded me of things outside books, my parents, my relationship with my brother or sister, or whatever. So, I suppose I started to read partly for understanding. There’s a really lovely moment in an essay by Robert Frost, the American poet, and he says, it begins in love, and ends in wisdom.And I think that idea of reading beginning in love and ending in wisdom is a line that I felt as a reader. So, I guess that’s the reason.

And then the second part of that question was why did I decide to study it? And the answer is just I loved it. So, I just didn’t want to stop reading. The idea of being paid to read, talk, write, and think about books feels like an amazing privilege, to do what we always love doing. The other thing I would say about reading, I only discovered this recently by actually concentrating on when I read.

So I was reading a story about a guy that returns to the house of his childhood. And the story is talking about him walking through the house, walking into the garden, going up to his favorite tree, and visiting it after many years. And suddenly I realized what I was actually picturing in my mind when I read that story was my own childhood house.

In other words, we’re always kind of reading ourselves into the stories that we read. Not everyone does this. Maybe some of you don’t have any images when you’re reading, but generally, I find that more often than not. I’m imagining myself as a viewer inside the narration. There’s a moment in an essay by Marcel Proust, in which he says, every reader, while they are reading, is really a reader of themselves. And I think for me, that has been true. And that is, I guess, why I want to continue reading.

Q:What characteristics do you think people should have to study English literature?

A:There are probably as many types of people who were suitable to read English literature as there are books. So, I don’t think there’s one type. I think literature is such a big word. It covers so many different kinds of things that there is no one thing. But I suppose if I were looking for something common. When I’m in Oxford, I have to do interviews for people who apply to Oxford. And I’m often thinking to myself, what am I looking for as I interview students similar to your age? And I suppose one thing I’m thinking about, and that is important if you want to study literature, is something just really obvious and basic, which I think is just a curiosity about what words can do. I don’t just mean by what words can mean, but what they can do. The idea of words is a kind of activity or an event in the world, something that can make you change. And what boils down to that kind of curiosity, I think, is you need to want to be or you need to be interested in strangeness. So, reading needs to be kind of a willingness to tolerate something odd for a moment. Often, when we first read a poem, it can feel a bit odd to us.

There are bits of it we get. There are bits of it we don’t get. There are bits of it we like. There are lines that we don’t. I think if you want to study literature, you need to be willing to wait to dwell inside your confusion, a bit. Reading a poem isn’t quite the same as this conversation now, in which there’s a kind of relay of information, a poem will sometimes withhold itself from you. So, I think you need to have a kind of appetite for strangeness. I think that’s the only type of real thing that you really need. It’s hard to train your curiosity, you know. But one way to do it might be just to be patient with the initial strangeness. In other words, don’t panic if you don’t get the whole of something at one go.

Q:What is the difference between the way students in university read literature, or how do they learn about literature in university?

A:In a way, it’s not all that different, I imagine. In the sense that, it just becomes perhaps more complex. In the sense that, the more books you’ve read, the bigger the world seems, the stranger it seems. So, I think students at university, or at least at the university that I teach at are asked to become very precise about how words work. In other words, not to simply notice that a poem rhymes, but to say, why this rhyme here. What does that do? So, it becomes more and more precise.

When I was a student, my English teacher gave me a piece of advice, which I still use now, and she said, whenever I read a poem, I should write in invisible ink across the top of the page a question of the writer. And the question is, why are these words in these places? Why are these words in these places? In other words, to actually spend more and more, sort of precise time thinking about the verbal object in front of you.

Q:Can non-literary texts such as musicals and movies be classified as literature?

A:A few years ago,there was a big controversy because Bob Dylan, the singer, was given the Nobel Literature Prize. Bob Dylan is an amazing singer, and he’s an amazing writer of song lyrics, but is he a poet? Can he be given the Nobel Prize? Can we class that as literature? I think it can be a complicated question. But I broadly think he can be given the prize, and it can be literature, although I don’t think the song can be separated really from the lyrics. You have to have both. I’m just thinking, anything that involves the art of words has a literary component.So, musicals and films seem to me to be literary in an important way. Not only literary, but literary.

Maybe we could go even further, what about a stand-up comedian? If you encounter a fool in a Shakespeare play, they’re effectively a stand-up comedian, and you’re reading their scripts. I think that a stand-up comedy is a kind of literature. I think it is. And I think a joke, a good joke and a good poem, working similar ways. So let me just try and say why those two things might be similar. If your friend tells you a joke, and you don’t get the joke, and you don’t laugh. If they then explain the joke to you, it doesn’t suddenly get funny. In fact, it could be excruciating and a bit embarrassing to have a joke explained to you. It’s just a bad feeling all round. In other words, the joke hasn’t worked, even though you’ve had explained to you. And I think poems that a goods can work like that too. You can have a poem explained to you, but if you don’t feel it and get it for whatever you need to get from it, then it’s just not working for you.

Q:How have older forms of English affected how we communicate and write today and how may our modern English affect how we communicate in the future?

A:In a way, all language is a remnant of our pasts. We are made through our words, and our words were given to us, and they have a long, long past. So older forms of literature affect us all the time in ways that we don’t even realize. And I also think that our language is natural every day. Language is more poetic than we realize. It’s full of metaphors that we have stopped thinking about. I’ll give an example.

Do you know the word skyscraper? If someone refers to a skyscraper, you know what that means. But when you actually just think about the word for a second, the idea of a building that’s so high that it scrapes the sky. Can you see, you’ve just kind of dwelling with the word. And it’s a kind of poem. The idea of a building that scrapes the sky, in other words, is an example of a metaphor that’s hidden inside a word that we just stop thinking about. And there are lots of our words that are like this. We often take our metaphors for how we’re feeling from the position of our bodies in space.

Q:A lot of English words are forgotten, or not forgotten, or not used anymore. I wonder why would humans to trace words?

A:That’s a really good question and a good example. I guess some societies do replace them. The example, for instance, of English in 16th century England, the idea of thou, as opposed to you. Those are two different ways of addressing someone. They had slightly different social implications, thou and you. One was polite, one was a little bit more conversational. Now, although English has in a way given up on that distinction, many other languages, French, and Spanish, keep, as it were, the polite you, the 3rd person you, and the more familiar 2nd person you. I don’t know if you have this in your language, or have come across it in others, but languages evolve in different ways and keep different distinctions.

But as to why that happens, that’s a really good question. It might be that different societies need language to do different things. Languages evolved depending on what the societies are, the values of that society, where they need the word, where they don’t need the word, and whether the word has become part of the problem. It goes also back to my earlier point about the idea that some words are actions, not merely descriptions. To call someone a certain name in a certain context is an action. It does something. And there may be words that we’ve definitely no longer used.

Q:I think drama is a form of communication by acting out what they want to deliver and what they want to present. So, I’m wondering can it be regarded as a form of communication?

A:Let me just give you one example. If you read a book at home, a play, and you get to a bit that you find funny, you might laugh. You’re by yourself. But if you are in a theater and there are 200 people around you watching the play, and something funny comes up, and you laugh and they don’t, suddenly you feel very anxious. You can be embarrassing, or indeed, if lots of people laugh and you don’t. You think, oh, if I missed the joke. In other words, theater, when performed, becomes a kind of social negotiation between not just the actors, but the people in the audience, and how they interact with each other. So, I think the question of literature performed in public places definitely changes the meaning or their status.

Q:As we all know, in history, many the start of a kind of a type of literature is because of some cultural differences, or special condition of the society at the time. I want to ask, is this possible for that particular culture to affect that literature in a certain way?

A:It’s certainly that writers of all ages have raised certain kinds of topics inter prominence, or given voices to people who previously didn’t have voices, push those voices into the public realm and made their demands heard by the acts of writing. And so there’s that kind of change. The certain kinds of writing pick up on something in the culture and then amplify it or make contributions to the debate to effectively help to change minds. So, in other words, I do think that literature can be a social and a political force. I’m not sure it can make a social change by itself.

Q:How ancient literature promotes the development of modern literature and how does it show its significance and influence on the evolution and advancement of modern literature?

A:I do think that ancient literature does affect modern literature in loads of different ways, even just in the same way even if we don’t know we’re being influenced by the past. We are being influenced because we learned our language. It was handed to us. Maybe another thing to say is that, effectively, the one way that humans learn is by copying. We learn by imitation. And for centuries, the very idea of artistic representation was via the word mimesis: imitation of something prior that came before.

In that sense, the roots of art perhaps go back to this idea of bringing the absent back into the present, or the ancient back into the modern. One of the things I say to my students when I’m teaching Oxford is when I give them a strange poem, a poem that they don’t quite get. I will say to them, the first question is, what is this poem like? What does it remind you of? And we’ll go in via things it might remind them of, as a way of journeying towards what it might be. It’s a better question than just saying, what does this poem mean? What’s it about? What does the poem feel like? So oftentimes we’ll look at a poem in a minute actually, that plays on older forms. So that seems to me to be important. It’s ancient or old. It’s not the opposite of the new. It’s inside the new.

Q:How do you evaluate the characteristics of American literature in the Internet age?

A:In the Internet age, I guess that implies we now live in a society, where audiences are just huge, massive. You know, when Shelly wrote his Ode to the West Wind in sort of 1820, it’s got six readers. Now, I could tweet a lyric and it could be read by millions. So, whatever the Internet age means is just audience, the growth of audience.

And then one question that might come from that is what new kinds of pressure come to writers when they feel that they are being watched or listened to by so many people? It seems to me that it might not always be a good thing to have a massive audience. It can make writers timid or afraid, because they may end up feeling that they are writing for others before they decided what they are. There may be advantages in not really knowing your audience, in not knowing who you’re writing for. I don’t want that to sound overly negative. So let me just shrink the idea of the Internet age down to say just Twitter for a moment. Whatever else Twitter has done is it encouraged the short form.

You can post a short, lyric poem on Twitter, but you can’t post a novel. You could say there’s a kind of lyrical quality to Twitter. It allows for the short line, the radiant example, the aphorism, and the stanza of the poem, and it gives you these as part of its form. So maybe there’s something to be said for the short form. And the Internet age is kind of marrying up quite nicely.

Q:How is English Literature used in our daily life?

A:It can be used in loads of ways. Can any of you think of a time when something you read in a book made you change your mind about someone you’d met or someone that you knew?

I think that’s my experience too. Usually, if you come across an objectionable character or someone that you don’t like in a book, you’re just a little bit more tolerant and curious about why they’re doing what they’re doing. Then when you are reminded of that person in the real world, you handle them in a slightly different way. And I think that’s one of the George Eliot once said, reading is there for what she calls the extension of our sympathies.

I think the other thing that books really can do, is that they can make people that you already know just a little bit stranger, a little bit more complicated, or just weird. And I think that’s a good thing.But broadly, this kind of book can make you more aware of what you don’t know about people. So I think that’s one function of kind of how English literature, or any literature, can be used in everyday life. It just widens your ability to think through the complexity of people. What it can also then do, in a sense, is it can delay us from making up our minds. I know that we’re all taught to be decisive and confident, but reading may be a place we go in order to be indecisive. The romantic poet John Keith talks about what he calls negative capability. And for him, negative capability is the capacity to be in doubt, to have uncertainty. And I think this is one vital thing about books, about what they can do.

Q:How do you view the secondary creation for example fan fiction of novels and movies?

A:In a way, I would say again that secondary creation is actually something we’re doing all the time. Secondary creation is right there in the very act of interpreting anything. I guess one of the most famous examples of secondary creation in modern times, would be like the Harry Potter books, like, Harry Potter movies. I know that my son saw the Harry Potter film first. Now, some people might think that means old films are taking over from books. But in fact, it was the film that sent him to the book. He got really into the books, but only because he’d seen the film. So, in other words, there can be a kind of interchange between movies and books. I remember as a child, I think I saw Great Expectations, which is the novel by Charles Dickens, before I read the book. And I can’t sort of separate them in my mind now.

Q:Reading is a kind of recreation, like you create your image by yourself. So do you think it’s more important to come up with their intention, or to understand the image that the writers want to create?

A:Whether the writer should be in charge of your response? I think no. The writer is not in charge of your response. The recreation is a kind of negotiation. But the words don’t work like that. Words are a kind of shared space, shared places where we negotiate meaning. Importantly, many writers, especially poets, when asked what their intentions are, say, quite honestly, I don’t know. I don’t know why I wrote that. I don’t know what the image of the bird means, and so on. I think we should stay true to the idea that the literature creators are not the authorities of their own.

It’s a bit like when you wake up in the morning and you’ve had a dream. A dream can sometimes feel like a poem if it’s really, really strong. But if I say to you, what did your dream mean. You created it. Yeah, it would be hard for you to say. You might say, I don’t know, but I think it might have been to do with this or something my mom said. In other words, you could build up a picture of meaning for your dream, but you couldn’t give me a definitive statement. I think we could think of artists as dreamers in that way. They dream of their works, and they don’t own them.

Q:Do you think movies are more understandable and interesting than book? Because it seems that nowadays, more people tend to be enjoying the movies more than a book itself. For example, when I’m reading the book, Pride and Prejudice, I do quite not understand what the book is trying to tell. But after I watched a movie about this, I seem to understand more clearly about the book.

A:Yeah, that’s a good example. I think the film may be helping you with the book. So one of the things that Pride and Prejudice have in the book, which is not there in the film, is it has a narrator. It has that omniscient voice that tells you what the characters are thinking. In the film, it’s much more like real life. The way that you work out what people are thinking is by the way they behave. You listen to them talk, and you watch them do things. Austin’s novel and novels in general give you a profoundly fantasized idea that you could be inside someone’s head, that you could know what everyone was thinking. Now, the film can’t give you that. It just depends on what you like. The film will go quicker and you can’t be with these characters for as long. And it might be good that it goes quicker, it might be more fun. But in the other kinds of mood, where you want to be with someone for a long time and imagine yourself from inside their head for a long time, then the novel is an amazing.

Q:How does socio-economic development push the development of children literature? What makes people give more attention and respect to the child?

A:I guess one thing that it might be reasonable to say is that the child is, in a way, the invention of romanticism, by which I mean the romantic movement in England around the end of the 18th and early 19th century.And it’s got something to do with the idea that children offered us a kind of return to our roots. The children were not, as it were, to be merely socialized into adulthood. But the adults were missing out on something if they were not in touch with their inner child. And so I think that the rise of children’s literature is partly bound up with that. It’s a really complicated historical question, but I think it’s also exacerbated in the modern age.

If you think of someone like Freud at the beginning of the 20th century, who, in a way, is a kind of child of romanticism. And his view was that by thinking about our childhoods, we could get closer to what we really are. Freud was once asked, what is an adult? And his reply was, that an adult is like a child. In other words, if you could just delve into childhoods, you would see how much of yourself became newly available to you. And this, I think, is many romantic writers, Wordsworth and others, really thought that to write their lives, they had to really begin at the beginning. So, I think that might be one way of thinking about the growth of children’s literature.

Q:How do you think children literature should balance its theme between didactic literature and imaginative literature?

A:Imaginative literature may not be a lesson, may not be instructive, just for the story.I don’t think the children really want to be taught. That may sound like a weird thing for a teacher to say. I do think that children, young children, really want to learn, but they don’t necessarily want to be taught, certainly not by an adult. This perhaps is my experience as a parent. But I’m not sure about didactic literature at all for children or adults.

I think it might be a contradiction in terms. I don’t associate literature.I don’t go to literature to learn what I should think, or to be told what is good and what is bad. You can test this out, but the books that you remember from your childhood that you really liked, I’m pretty sure, you don’t remember them because they told you what to do or how to behave at school. You remember them. They live with you now. They did teach you, but they taught you indirectly.

Q:In what way do you think children literature can avoid creating children characters based on bias and stereotypes?

A:That’s a good question. Broadly speaking, I suppose one would be to increase the range of writers that are writing children’s literature, so to be open to different kinds of children’s writing. But I suppose the other thing might be to just revise our sense of some of the deepest stereotypes, the gender stereotype that’s built into the idea of the male hero, for example. I think it’s still the case that most heroes in most children’s books are boys. Why? They don’t need to be. So there may be an answer for rethinking the context or content of children’s books. I also think it can be something to do with how the child characters in the books behave when they encounter differences. In other words, if the children don’t respond to or propagate stereotypes, then that’s a kind of teaching, as it were. Then it doesn’t occur to the child to be racist if it can’t see it anywhere in its fictional world.

Q:Do you think it is appropriate that children get exposed to adult literature with more complicated and controversial themes?

A:Broadly speaking, I think there are books that children shouldn’t read. But I’m now gonna just complicate that. Here’s what Auden, the poet W.H. Auden, said about children’s literature. He said, there are good books that are only for adults, and this is because the comprehension of those books presupposes adult experiences. But then he says this, but there are no good books that are only for children. And I think he’s right. There are no good books that are only for children. In other words, when I was asked about should there be adult literature, should we keep children away from complicated themes in adult literature, the answer is yes. I would actually say that the complicated themes are already in good children’s literature.

In other words, I’d reverse the question. The question was, is it appropriate that children get exposed to adult literature? I think it would be better for all of us as adults if we were exposed to more children’s literature.

Q:What do you think is the reason that Harry Potter is so well known and popular?

A:I can only give a really short answer, but I think you’ve actually given the right answer. Those books are so popular because they talk with children from as close to the child’s perspective as they can. So, although the child hero is facing danger, there is a belief that the children are the creators and controllers of the world that they are in.








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