

预测一 给沉迷于电脑朋友的建议


参考词汇:沉溺于be/become addicted to 网瘾:Internet addiction

Dear Jack,

I am glad to hear from you. As your close friend, I’d like to talk about the harm of Internet addiction to you as I feel worried to know that you have wasted lots of valuable time playing the Internet games.

As we know, the Internet is a convenient tool to improve our knowledge and skills. However, our life will be greatly affected if we are addicted to it. For example,your grades may go down and your health will be going from bad to worse. To make things worse, it can also damage the relationship with your family.

So I think it is high time that you got rid of the bad habit. It is a good idea for you to read some meaningful books and do some physical exercise.I am looking forward to hearing your good news soon.


Li Hua

预测二 关于“拒为低头族”为主题的演讲

现在越来越多的人成为低头族(People who can’t help checking their phones all day are known as phubbers. Phubbing trends to involve not only the young people, but also the elderly.),如何引导低头族抬头?你们班在英语课上举行了以“拒为低头族”为主题的演讲。假设你是学生李华,请你写一篇100词左右的演讲稿。


1. 你周围有低头族吗?他们成为“低头族”的原因。

2. 成为“低头族”给学习和生活带来的影响。


Good morning, everyone!

Nowadays, we can see many people are watching their mobile phones in subway, restaurants, elevators, roads and so on. There is no denying that people who like the mobile phone are concerned about its attractive functions. Phubbers can’t stop sending messages, surfing the Internet, listening to music and even taking photos by using the mobile phone. Moreover, some people have less time to relax themselves. They make use of the time when they are on the way to school or other places to play mobile games.

However, phubbing disturbs not only our study but also our life. On the one hand, phubbers waste lots of time playing cell phone games and sending messages, particularly in class. Other people also complain they are disturbed when phones ring in classrooms. On the other hand, it can lead to health problems. For instance, using a mobile phone on the sofa can cause back and neck pain.

As far as I am concerned, it is high time that we threw away the mobile phone and raised our heads up. Do cherish everything around us and appreciate the scenery ahead of us. What’s more, we should do more exercises and take part in real-life activities. In a word, only when we use the mobile phone reasonably, can we realize the happiness of life.That’s all. Thank you!

预测三 描述未来人工智能的发展状况及利弊



1. 描述或畅想未来人工智能的发展状况

2. 分析这种现象产生的原因

3. 陈述利弊以及表明个人态度

As we all know , the time of 5G technology is coming , it is called the fourth industrial revolution , future of computer science lies in the artificial intelligence,it is the research and artificial simulation of human thought and eventually be able to make a human like to think the same machine , for human services and to help people solve problems.

After all, people thought it was unique, there are feelings, there are a variety of character, this will be very difficult to achieve in the machine.In fact, to do the same as the human thinking machine, the only one of the artificial intelligence, is by no means all. Through the study of artificial intelligence, it can resolve all kinds of scientific problems, promote the development of other science will have a great impact on all people’s lives .

I believe that the science of artificial intelligence is waiting for humanity to explore it step by step .

预测四 移动支付的好处


The Advantages of Online Payment

Online payment has been advocated around the world, which is the future way to pay bills. In China, Alipay is popular everywhere, even the small business can be finished by this advanced way.

People play the joke that they don’t need to worry about the lack of cash. The advantages of online payment are obvious. Firstly, it saves people’s time to pay ills. The use of online payment is carried out with a smart phone. Especially when we go to the supermarket, there are always a lot of people waiting in the long line.

The process of costing customers’ time is to take out the cash or use the credit card, because both customers and cashiers need to count the money or check the bills. But now the cashier can just scan the phone and the bill will be paid and the customer can check quickly.Second, people don’t have to worry about getting the fake cash.

Many years ago, people were easy to get fake money as they received the change. But now, as the cash have been used less, people won’t receive the fake cash without paper money. With the development of new applications, our life will be much convenient.

预测五 网络购物

随着互联网的发展和普及,网络购物在中国也变得越来越普遍了,甚至已经成了我们日常生活的一部分了。相信同学们身边一定有不少同学已经通过网络进行购物了,比如淘宝网等,但是网络购物究竟有何利弊呢? 请写一篇短文,谈谈网上购物的好处与坏处。

With the development of the Internet and the popularization of computers, shopping on the Internet has become a commonplace in our life.

Here consumers can buy almost everything they need. Shopping on the Internet has a lot of advantages, of which the most important is perhaps its convenience. People don’t have to waste a lot of their energy and precious time to go from one shop to another to choose the commodities they like.

This is especially desirable to the old, the sick and the busy people who cannot go to the shops in person. The goods come in all shapes, sizes and colors on the Internet. All they need to do is to sit in front of their computers and click the mouses. The commodities they order will be delivered(运送)to them promptly.

However, shopping on the Internet also has its disadvantages. The first disadvantage is that the consumers can’t see the goods or try them on personally. Sometimes, the real goods may not be the same as what they have seen on the computer.

The second disadvantage is that some shops on the Internet are not registered. They will never deliver anything to you after they get the money from you. Once cheated, you will find that you have nowhere to go to complain.





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