


摘要:本工程位于东北大学南湖校区院内(沈阳市和平区文化路3号巷11 号),总建筑面积约15210平方米


Title: Phase II Project of Comprehensive Laboratory Building of Zhongzhun Donglian-Hanfeng-Northeastern University Nanhu Campus

Abstract: This project is located in the courtyard of Northeastern University Nanhu Campus (No. 11, Lane 3, Wenhua Road, Heping District, Shenyang), with a total construction area of about 15210 square meters

Keywords: Zhongzhun Eastern Union, Han Feng, Northeastern University, Nanhu Campus, Eighth Bureau, Settlement Review


辽宁东联工程造价咨询事务所有限公司受东北大学的委托,我司对东北大学南湖校区综合实验楼二期工程进行了全过程跟踪及结算审核咨询服务。本工程位于东北大学南湖校区院内(沈阳市和平区文化路3号巷11 号),总建筑面积约15210平方米,地上5层,地下局部1层。主体结构为钢筋混凝土框架剪力墙系统,基础形式为独立基础和筏板基础,由中国建筑第八局工程局有限公司总承包,涉及标的额7823万元。


Liaoning Donglian Engineering Cost Consulting Office Co., Ltd. was entrusted by Northeastern University, and our company carried out the whole process tracking and settlement audit consulting services for the second phase of the comprehensive laboratory building of Northeastern University Nanhu Campus. The project is located in the courtyard of Northeastern University Nanhu Campus (No. 11, Lane 3, Wenhua Road, Heping District, Shenyang), with a total construction area of about 15,210 square meters, 5 floors above ground and 1 floor underground. The main structure is a reinforced concrete frame shear wall system, and the foundation form is an independent foundation and raft foundation, which is contracted by China Construction Eighth Bureau Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd., involving a target amount of 78.23 million yuan.


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